Feedback from the conferences
Direct Feedback
- Bringing all those fields/approaches (Post-phenomenology, seamful design, reflective design, ANT, value sensitive design, participatory design and feminist STS) together is ambitious. The contributions and relevancy of all those fields should be clear.
- What do you look at specifically when you watch/analyse the video clips of workshop sessions?
- Rationale behind dealing with the notion of agency. Why should we take agency into consideration? Clarification of the relation between design and agency?
- AI’s conceptions and use of agency can be relevant and useful.
- It is really very nice to have this type of sensitivity to our relations with artefacts.
- It could be interesting to experiment these devices with real blind people. Their interactions and relations can be quite different than the blindfolded people.
- Do you really let people negotiate with each other? You do not allow them to speak, see etc. allow people to negotiate in more ways. Do people need to know the agency of devices in order to interact with other people?
- Use another modality, different sensors and effects in the next workshops. Lights can be very useful, easy and effective.
- Need for clarification of the concepts of agents, humans, non-humans etc… Can the extensions of body be considered as agents?
- Use more constraints, narrow down design questions and context.
Indirect Feedback
- Tendencies of the research community
- Switching of design research’s focus from product to processes and from designing of the product itself to relations and situations.
- Use of ethnography and Participatory design
- Situating the research problem (work) in a real life context/situation. An artful integration of existing with new/novel!
- Need to make the study more concrete (or less abstract)! By again balancing familiar with the new. Need for an already existing understanding to build on.
- Tuning metaphors (and the book called Tuning of the Place) by Richard Coyne looks very relevant.
- In addition to tuning, operations of adjustment and calibration can also be investigated.
- “Tuning of world” – another useful book
- The idea of designing in the wild!
Long Term Time Plan (18 months)
Short term to do list
- Workshop #3’s design
- Type of the activity?
- Type of sensors and effectors?
- Type of approach – bottom up vs top down?
- The context of the activity?
- New Ethics application?
- Draft thesis outline (with contents, requirements, literature, to-dos)
- Brutalism in HCI paper
- Transparency
- Awareness
- Structural expressionism
- Brutalism in architecture
- Philosophy
- Acceptance
- Critics
- Relevancy
- Accounts, seams, self-disclosure and more to search in the literature
- The workshop 3 design specifications
- Update literature sheet by names
- Discussions and ideas on Designing for Agency paper submitted to OZCHI